Start next generations
Stop displaying new generations
Display the next generation only
Go back to previous generation
Start again with the choosen initial pattern
Quit the game
Start with the Exploder pattern
Start with the Pi heptomino pattern
Start with the Ship pattern
Start with the Block pattern
Start with the Row pattern
Start with the Glider pattern
Start with the R-Pentomino pattern
Allow you to define your own pattern
Use the fastest speed to display new generations (every 2 tenths of a second)
Use the fast speed to display new generations (every 4 tenths of a second)
Use the medium speed to display new generations (every 6 tenths of a second)
Use the slow speed to display new generations (every 9 tenths of a second)
Use the slowest speed to display new generations (every 1.3 second)
Show/hide the toolbar. Shown as default.
Only available when the Pattern ->Your Own submenu is chosen. Show/hide the central cell. Central cell not shown as a default.
Allow to choose the color of the cells
Allow to choose the dimension in pixels of the cell (a cell is a square)
Allow to choose the board size in number of cells for each board
Open the KGameOfLife Handbook in the KHelpCenter
Activate the What's This feature
Opens a small dialog that allows to submit a bug report which will be added in the KDE bug database
Open a small dialog with KGameOfLife info
Open a small dialog with KDE version and other KDE info