

Click on the Start button on the toolbar or choose Start in the Game menu to see your pattern evolve. You can also use the Ctrl + S key combination. This will start displaying generations at the choosen speed. The number of generations is displayed in the statusbar as Generations: n if you are at the nth generation.

To stop the simulation, you can use the Stop button or the Stop entry in the Game menu or the Ctrl + T key combination. This will stop the evolution of the pattern and will display the pattern as it is at the time you hit the Stop button.

If you prefer to watch it more closely, you can use the +1 button on the toolbar or the Next menu item in the Game menu. This will display the next generation only. The keyboard keys Ctrl + Z is the assigned shortcut.

Using the -1 button on the toolbar or the back entry in the Game menu you can go back tp the previous pattern. This is available one time only. Ctrl + Y is the keyboard shortcut for Back.

The Reset button allows you to go back to your initial pattern, wether it is a pre-initialized one or your own one. This is also done through the Game menu by clicking on Reset or with the Ctrl + R shortcut.

The Quit button on the toolbar or the Quit entry in the Game menu or Ctrl + Q will quit the game and close the window. Your settings as board size, cell size, cell color and speed will be saved in a configuration file and restored next time you play the game.

You can display this online help by clicking on the button with a book on the toolbar or by using the Help menu and KGameOfLife Handbook.

The statusbar displays the pattern currently used, the speed, the number of generations and the board size.

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